County Board History

History of Comhaltas

Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann as an organisation was formed in Mullingar in January 1951, with the aim of promoting and preserving Traditional Irish Music, song and dance. The first Fleadh Cheoil was held in Mullingar over Whit Weekend in May of 1951, and the vast numbers of Traditional Musicians who attended this very first Fleadh Cheoil proved instrumental in the success of this new organisation.

For more information on the history of comhaltas click here

Comhaltas in Fermanagh

The first branch of Comhaltas in Fermanagh was formed in Roslea in 1954, and in the beginning was affiliated to Monagahan Comhaltas. This was infact the first branch of Comhaltas within the six counties. Although this branch only lasted two years, Traditional music continued to flourish in the county. In 1960, another new branch was formed by the locals in Derrylin.

More Branches followed, and on the 7th January 1963 the first Fermanagh County Board meeting was held in Derrylin. The branches in existance at this meeting were Derrylin, Derrygonnelly, Garrison, Enniskillen and Roslea.

Since this very first meeting, Comhaltas has gone from strength to strength. During the past 50 years, branches have appeared in Belcoo, Belleek, Botha, Cleenish/Inishfail, Derrylin, Ederney, Enniskillen, Irvinestown, Lisnaskea, Maguiresbridge, Newtownbutler, Roslea, Tempo and Benaughlin. Whilst some of these branches no longer exist, Fermanagh is proud to have seven branches in existence at present. These being : Belleek, Botha, Derrylin, Irvinestown, Newtownbutler, Roslea and Benaughlin.