This Prospectus sets out some of the salient achievements of Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann over the last 70 years and provides a road map for future enhancement and expansion as expressed in the multifaceted track record and potential of this premier cultural movement.
It is another milestone in Ireland’s cultural journey. On reflection, it is a reminder of what can be achieved in the most challenging of times. As with the founders of Comhaltas in 1951, it again sets out the exciting possibilities for the future of our unique cultural characteristics.
Our culture, in its varied and diverse expressions, has been a cohesive and reconciling influence among all communities on the island of Ireland and among the Irish diaspora and friends of Ireland worldwide. The delivery of the cultural potential, as outlined in the Prospectus, will be an investment in our own future. This will result in self-perpetuating gains for future generations.
It is the road to excellence.