Benaughlin CCE

Benaughlin CCE

Benaughlin CCÉ Branch was established in September 2013. The children, encouraged to take ownership of their Branch from the beginning, chose the name ‘Benaughlin’ (Binn Eachlabhra ) as the mountain overlooks the many surrounding parishes from which the Branch operates an open door policy membership.

Benaughlin CCÉ Branch aims to promote Irish traditional music in all its forms. We aim to foster a love of Irish music, to teach a wide variety of traditional musical instruments and to provide an environment which enables our musicians to experience the positive benefits of being a member of the CCÉ Benaughlin Branch.

Branch Tutor, Gary Curley BMus (Hons) is an Ulster Champion and All-Ireland Runner up. He is passionate about music and facilitates each member to reach their full potential. Our classes run on Friday evenings from 6.30pm in Kinawley Community Centre. We participate in organised events throughout the year and encourage all our members to compete in the Fleadh Cheoil.

We would like to express our gratitude to all existing members of our Benaughlin CCÉ Branch for their commitment, support and expertise and welcome all new members to come along and enrol.